My son Colton is obsessed with all thing’s hockey

He learned to skate a year ago, joined his very first hockey team and practices nonstop at home! 

So, why does Colton love hockey…

Well, this is the 24,000-dollar question. WE HAVE NO IDEA. Seriously we don’t know.  My mom has asked him why he loves hockey, I have asked him why he loves hockey, and his response is always a sly little smile.  We may never know why he loves hockey, but we do know he LOVES the Edmonton Oilers Star Connor McDavid, and we imagine he caught a glimpse of McDavid on the TV and fell in love with the sport.  That’s the best answer I have. It’s rather perplexing to be honest with you…we are NOT a hockey family.  My husband loves most sports, but hockey was only watched a handful of times in our house when football wasn’t on.  But I guess for Colton, that’s all it took.  Like love at first site if you believe in that.   

In November of 2021 I had listened to him beg to play ice hockey for way too long. I’m the mom who interpreted the rules (aka lied) and said, “They won’t allow you to play hockey if you can’t ice skate.” Now my child hates to fail, and I was against him attempting such a dangerous sport without at least trying to skate. So, we signed him up for a Learn to Skate program. We don’t necessarily live in the ice hockey capital of the world out here in the middle of America, so it was hard to find something for him. I bet you aren’t surprised that he called my bluff and agreed to learn how to ice skate.

You guys, he was awful. After the first class, I was confident that I would have to force him to come back because I wasn’t going to let him quit in the middle of the session we had already paid for. You see, he didn’t love soccer or baseball, so I was confident he wouldn’t enjoy being cold and lying on the ice most of the day. I figured we would go; he would hate it, and we would be back to swimming in no time.I was wrong.  Here is what some of our conversations look like now:

Colton: When I play hockey, will you come to every game?

Me: Yes!

Colton: I will be playing in Canada for the Oilers.

Me: Mama will be there.

Colton: At some point, I’ll be traded to the St. Louis Blues, but I’ll call you, so you don’t show up at the wrong arena! 

God gave me the talent to play hockey professionally. 

Me: Amen!

Colton: I wasn’t praying.

I hope he always believes in himself at this level. Can you imagine what this world would be like if we all had the faith of a child? I can’t. But I can say that after watching him learn to play, he is my hero.  Ice skating is hard! But his goal of playing hockey is so much bigger than the hard! I can’t believe the drive he has at seven years old.

Learning how to stand, learning how to fall, learning how to stand after falling, falling repeatedly, getting up slower each time because his body hurts, learning how to march, glide, skate on one foot, push to gain speed—I mean, this is not easy, but this child is continuing to fight for his goal!

I’m so proud of him for demonstrating at such a young age that you can truly do anything you put your mind to.

I guess he was listening to me preach that concept over the years. Will he ever play for the Edmonton Oilers? Who knows. But sometimes, as adults, we need to be reminded that we can do hard things! Hard things don’t come without hard work! 

If we all had childlike faith, we could move mountains. 

Check out more Conversations with Colton here!

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