For many people, Memorial Day means barbecues, picnics, trips to the beach, and the start of summer break. However, the real meaning of Memorial Day is important and shouldn’t get lost in all the warm weather excitement.
It’s important to talk about the meaning of Memorial Day!
It’s important to tell them, and show them how they can honor and remember those who have lost their lives in service to our country while fighting for our freedom!
Here are a few tips:
- Start With Arts & Crafts-
Kids learn by digging in with hands-on activities. Make something with them that they can keep or hang in their room and see all year. Here’s a very simple printable they can color and hang up! Print one copy for you to mama, and color with them!

2. Make A Festive Snack–
All you need are some graham crackers, Cool Whip or vanilla frosting, sliced strawberries, and blueberries to make this patriotic treat.
They’re perfect to bring to a gathering.
Here’s how to make it: First, spread your Cool Whip or frosting on the cracker, next arrange your fruit! This a fun and easy conversation starter!
About the Book: Wonder’s Of The USA is a Shine A Light Book sold by PaperPie. All you need is a flashlight to uncover the hidden images on every page! Check it out here:
3. Talk About The History Of Memorial Day-
Here are a few historical facts: Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day. On decoration day, the graves of soldiers were decorated with flags, flowers, and wreaths. The first Decoration Day was in 1868, after the Civil War. Memorial Day officially became a U.S. holiday in 1967.
4. Talk About The Military With Your Family-
Has anyone in your family served in the military? Tell your kids about them! Show pictures! Talk about their job.

5. Visit a Veterans Cemetery to pay your respects-
Show your children how to honor and respect our fallen heroes. Place a wreath or bring flowers. They are never too young to start showing respect.

I hope everyone enjoys the holiday weekend. Please remember! And teach your children – why we observe Memorial Day!