Does anyone else struggle with the homework battle? We’ve been there and just getting started was a nightmare in our house.
I know I’m not alone in this so here are 3 tips that have been helping us:
Instead of Nagging, set expectations using a homework routine with a dedicated time and place. We have established that homework occurs after dinner at the Kitchen Table. This works for us even with the sports schedule. We either eat really early or really late some nights but we always know that homework gets done after dinner!
Ensure your kiddo(s) take a GOOD multivitamin and Omega 3! This combination of nutrients and minerals helps improve focus and mood swings. It also can help control impulsivity! Chris has even noticed a difference and he’s hard to impress.
During homework time, stay close by for questions without getting right in the middle of it. Resist the urge to correct them unless they ask for help. This is HARD for me, but Colton’s confidence in his ability is only increasing!
Which tip are you going to try first? What would you add? Comment below and let’s discuss!