Do arts and crafts stress you out? It’s all about perspective!

Arts & Crafts should not be stressful πŸ˜‚ but what was happening here was a HOT MESS! πŸ˜‚
Paint was clumpy and EVERYWHERE, but he didn’t care, because he was having fun and we were spending time together. I tried not to care buttttt I couldn’t shake how cute these sun catchers COULD be if he just slowed down or gave a bit more attention to detail. ⁠
We finished and laid them out to dry for the night and this morning I realized they turned out AMAZING! Making a huge deal to C he busts out with: That’s b/c Salt looks like Sugar. ⁠
Colton-Mom your art looked really bad yesterday, but I didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t want to hurt your feelings.⁠
Me-My art looked bad?⁠
Colton-Yes but that’s ok! Looks can be deceiving because even salt looks like sugar. I thought you were doing a VERY bad job, but I was wrong and I’m sorry! ⁠
I decided to let most of that go, but how important is that message…. I have no clue whose quote that is or where he heard it or how he came up with that analogy BUT it’s so true!! Looks can be deceiving because after all Salt Looks just like Sugar.⁠
Keep those eyes and minds open to more than what you see at first glance. Clearly in this situation I was VERY wrong!

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