Trusting a stranger worked out for me

Once upon a time there was a guy named Stu.  Long story short…. Let’s all JUST be more like Stu. AHHH but there’s more! 

It’s so funny how strangers can play such a huge role in our everyday lives! That’s how I feel about a stranger named Stu! It’s true, he started off as a stranger but by the time our journey was complete, I thought of him more like a friend. The kindness he showed me during our initial encounter has stuck with me through the years. I still talk about Stu and tell Colton about his kind heart.

Stu and I first locked eyes at Houston Hobby Airport in Texas. We were getting off a plane from Baltimore and we were staring at the terminal board wondering how we would get from gate 43 to gate 3 in less than 5 minutes. We were both headed to Oklahoma City. I was headed home from my cousin’s wedding, and he was headed to the city on business. He was wearing Jeans, a collared shirt and carrying a briefcase which he attached to his carry-on bag.

DM me on IG and tell me your favorite airport!

Back to staring at the airport board: it was obvious he was familiar with the airport. I wasn’t but I didn’t want to miss this flight! I was ready to go home. Before I had time to panic Stu said: “you ready to run pink”? (I was wearing pink). So, I said: “Let’s do it Stu.” I had ZERO idea where we were headed but I had no time to think….Stu took off.

Stu was about 85 but he ran like a 20 something… I imagine 20 something can run but I was struggling.

I have a very skeptical mind and trusting strangers is not something I do easily. I’m glad I trusted this stranger in the airport. 

I clearly would have followed him anywhere at this point.  The whole time we ran (it was about a mile) Stu was yelling: “you back there pink”? I was back there, unable to speak because I was hustling to keep up with him. We made that flight in the nick of time. I have ZERO doubt I wouldn’t have found that gate in time if it hadn’t been for Stu. He didn’t leave me behind. He didn’t know me, but we were both on our own separate journey’s when our worlds collided, and he took time to notice and help me.

Moral of the Story-Let’s all be more like Stu.

My legs ached for a few days after that airport marathon (clearly, I need to exercise more) but I chuckle thinking about the stranger in the airport who didn’t allow me to be the slow girl who got left behind.

Life is crazy and we are all moving so fast. Let’s not forget about the people running this race alongside us. I need this reminder TOO! We all need to slow down and be more like Stu. We need to pause, pay attention to our surroundings and seek out a chance to show kindness. You never know who in this world will cross your path for a reason. You may never know what they are dealing with behind closed doors. You may never know that the smallest act of kindness you showed them changed their day or their perception of this world. Even while typing this, I’m reminded that today, I need to pause and intentionally pay attention to my surroundings.

Today, I choose to be more like Stu! Will you?

Like this story? Read more of my traveling experiences here!

This Is Stu

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