He’s 7 going on 17! He’s full of sarcasm and surprises!

My first “He’s 7 going on 17” moment occurred about a year ago, when my then 6 year old asked me to drop him off at the high school the football game.

The specific verbiage used was “Hey mom can ya drop me off at the football game? I was invited by a senior.โ€ ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Translation-the seniors invited my class to run out onto the field with them at the last home game!ย #conversationswithcolton

But in that moment I had a glimpse into the future. ย One day he will ask me to drop him off at the football game and then I’ll blink and he will ask me to take the car ALONE to the football game and it hit me…. goodness gracious TIME IS A THIEF!ย 

It’s kind of like the gal who posted about crossing the Target Aisle from the “T” Sizes to the big boy sizes… ย ย #iykykย ย ย 

But if you don’t know, here is the link to her article:ย 


I’m reminded constantly that he is growing up, and while I’m SOOO excited for the road ahead, it’s a bittersweet change.

ย We set up this playroom for him when he was three. ย I had dreams about this magical place. Don’t get me wrong it was pretty magical while it lasted but he’s outgrown the cute little cars on the wall and begged for a hockey-themed room.

Shhhhh don’t tell him he’s getting one! ย And I’m so excited for that change! I’m excited to see the look on his face when it happens! The world keeps spinning.

Changes are constantly thrown at us, the question is: how do you handle the change? You can’t always handle what changes but you can control your reaction to those changes!ย 

Jim Rohn said: “Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.”

If this is in fact true, with every change that happens: the hard ones, the easy ones and everything in between…is every change really moving us towards a better life? I would argue it depends on how you choose to view the change.  This is your reminder to enjoy the small moments, the insignificant ones, they will all become your story! AHHH Life…never a dull moment.  I can tell you that all of the fear, faith and doubt that got us to this moment was 100 percent worth it!  What has been your biggest “my baby is growing up” moment to date?

#author #writer #nonfiction

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