Building Your Child’s Immune System Naturally: Tips and Tricks

Cheers 🥂 to back-to-school season and those nasty germs! 🦠  But I promise, there is a way to get through it!

I put Colton in daycare when he was 1.  I wanted to go back to work.  Within the week we made our first trip to the pediatrician.  Our trips to the doctor over the next several years became abundant.

It was one thing after the next.  He had an infection, he received an antibiotic, he got better for a bit and the cycle continued.    I remember asking our doctor if what we were experiencing was normal.  And I remember she smiled and said YES but by the time he starts kindergarten he will have a stellar immune system.  I believed her and still see the truth behind that statement but I apologize if I ever passed that wisdom off to anyone.

Here’s what she didn’t tell me.  She didn’t tell me, there was another way.  A way to naturally build his immune system in between sick visits.  She didn’t tell me about bioavailable vitamins.  Vitamins that absorb into your body instead of just passing through.  These are my son’s favorite:

She didn’t tell me that antibiotics would mess up his gut which would lower his immune system which would make getting sick shortly after recovering easier for him. She didn’t tell me that the cycle of the same antibiotic being used over and over could cause his body to perceive the medication as an “invader” and react to the medication which is diagnosed as an allergic reaction to medication.

Now I’m not anti-medication or doctors, we still LOVE our medical team and go to the same pediatrician.  I’m also not going to discuss any conspiracy theories about why natural remedies aren’t discussed at the doctor’s office.  But I am here to tell you that after 8ish years and a handful of allergic reactions to antibiotics.  There is a better way to build your immune system before sickness arrives.  Immunity begins in your gut.  Join us this month for more info on building your family’s immune system! We will be chatting about sleep, gut health, exercise, natural options and SO MUCH MORE! If you can’t wait comment below and I’ll send you some tips and tricks NOW! xoxo Have a Happy and HEALTY WEEK!

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