Why YOU Should Read Sensory Books To Babies.

When I joined PaperPie I became obsessed with our That’s Not My Series.  They are the cutest touchy feely sensory books (in my opinion) and there are over 50 options to pick from.  I mean come on…how cute is this book

So, I started adding more and more to my collection. What I realized was my one-year-old was obsessed with them and what I’ve learned is that my now my seven-year-old is still obsessed with them. So here’s the thing, not only are the images adorable but each page contains a short simple sentence.  While my one-year-old couldn’t read at the time, now he can, and he still likes the textures on every page too. I love a full circle moment and it’s so fun to see that books he loved as a baby still have a place in our home as he reads them to me.  

Boy reading a book

The further I got into my PaperPie journey, the more 

I learned how important it is to start reading to our kids from an early age.

Not only is reading to them important but sensory books play a vital role in their development.

Sensory books incorporate not just pictures and words but also different textures, sounds, and sights. Not only are they engaging, but they also encourage interaction through the touch and feel sections and this helps make reading fun from a young age and it helps instill a lifelong love of books. It helps build vocabulary too. Children learn to associate the textures they feel with the word it describes. They are truly so powerful! 

So, let’s chat about how they can hold our kiddos’ attention and allow us to drink our coffee or tea hot. Let’s be honest and admit that it’s hard keeping kids busy and away from screens all day!

But sensory books can captivate a child’s attention and can help on so many levels. With the visual, tactile, auditory and kinesthetic inputs these books offer, a child gets to work on various skills at a time. And simply put a child who uses a sensory book is more apt to sit for longer durations.

On top of all that sensory books not only stimulate your child’s senses; they also encourage the development of certain skills, including movement, balance, spatial awareness, and language. Fine motor skills are especially important, and sensory toys can help develop them.

Sensory books help:

  • Engage multiple senses like sight and touch.
  • Improve language skills by introducing new words to babies and toddlers.
  • Bring about word, picture, and texture association.
  • Improve fine motor skills.
  • Help instill a lifelong love of books.

Check out all of PaperPie’s That’s Not My books, which one would your kids love? 

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