When “Tricky People” turned out to be just a miscommunication.

We absolutely love the children’s program at our local church.  Colton has been part of the kid’ club since he was in diapers! 

Colton’s first time at church with my parents

Before I tell you this story you should know that the children’s program did nothing wrong.  When you arrive in the kid’s wing, there are several security procedures to make sure kids are taken care of, watched closely, and only given back to their parents.

Side Note: “stranger danger” is a term that has been used for decades to educate children about the importance of being cautious around strangers. 

However, in recent years, experts have shifted their focus from the term “stranger danger” to “tricky people”. 

This is because not all strangers are dangerous, and not all dangerous people are strangers. I love this approach. As a young child I was taught stranger danger, however I have chosen to educate my child using the tricky people approach.

In our house, tricky people are those who may try to lure children into unsafe situations by pretending to be someone they’re not. They could be a friend of the family, a neighbor, or even someone in a position of authority, like a teacher or coach. It’s important to teach children to be wary of anyone who asks them to do something that makes them feel uncomfortable, keeps secrets from them, or tries to isolate them from their parents or other trusted adults. 

The tricky people method is working for now in our home.  How do you teach your kids about “stranger danger?” Tell me in my DMs on IG!

Parents can help protect their children from tricky people by teaching them to trust their instincts and speak up if they feel uncomfortable or unsafe. It’s also important to establish open lines of communication with your children and create a safe and welcoming environment where they feel comfortable talking to you about anything. By educating children about the concept of tricky people and empowering them to speak up for themselves, we can help keep them safe from harm.

Ok back to kids club…

Every summer on a certain date the Sunday school kids move up to the next classroom, they are categorized by grade. Colton had just graduated kindergarten and was headed to first grade. On this Sunday in particular when the kids were split up to go to class, my son reported to the first-grade class (switch day hadn’t happened yet).  When my husband went to pick him up in the kindergarten class, he was told by the teacher that Colton hadn’t come to class.  Panicked, she ran across the common area, burst into the 1st grade class and found him safe and sound.  

I was sick that day and my husband was thankful I wasn’t there because that scenario in and of itself would have freaked me out! I have no doubt. I probably would have panicked.

Colton was fine.  He enjoyed the 1st grade class.  He was excited for switch day so he could move up! He assumed when he was dismissed to class he would report to this new grade.  

This prompted me to start discussing the tricky people method with my son.  Because you just never know!

Be sure to grab a copy of my new book, Conversations with Colton, to read more stories!

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