“Things Aren’t Always As Bad As You THINK”
C-Mom can we talk about the most traumatic moment of my life.
(While I braced myself for his answer-my mind flashed back to everything I have done wrong as a parent. I thought of the days I beat myself up for loosing my temper, the time I was late to pick him up from school and he was bawling thinking I forgot him, or the days he spent in the hospital)
but my thoughts were cut short….
C-“One time in Kindergarten, I was running up the slide and I fell over the edge and landed on my arm. In that moment I thought I died, but I wasn’t dead because when I opened my eyes someone was standing in my face and it wasn’t a beautiful sight so I knew I wasn’t in heaven. 😂 BUT My friends were very concerned about me and came running over, they helped me up and escorted me to a teacher who brought me to the office and the nurse checked to make sure my arm wasn’t broken. That was my most traumatic moment of my life and that’s all I have to say about it.”
I find it interesting that after everything this kid has been through, and continues to go through, that the worst moment of his life occurred over a year ago when he fell off the slide.
I find it interesting that after all the mom guilt I’ve felt over the years the worst moment of his life had nothing do with me. I wish I could protect him forever and falling off the slide will ALWAYS be the worst thing that happens to him. BUT that’s not life…
A few takeaways:
❤️everything is not always about you
❤️on the bad MOM days don’t beat yourself up! It will be a blimp on their radar.
❤️When you think you are in the WORST moment of your life, don’t give up!
One day you will look and think: “That wasn’t really that bad: it reminds me of the time I fell off the slide when I was six.”
Keep making your mama think little man…