I really began thinking about all we have to be thankful for on Friday of last week! I know-while the timing may be appropriate, I really need to be more intentional with gratitude every day of year.
Let’s have a REAL TALK session-shall we?
We had a rough start to the morning! I overslept!
Fun FACT: Colton sets his alarm clock for 6 am-EVERY SCHOOL DAY. He gets up, eats his breakfast, brushes his teeth and dresses himself before I’m even out of bed. #imspoiled #hegetsthatfromhisdad #thankyoumilitary
Anywho-I asked Chris to wake me up at 6 am because it was going to be a BUSY day! He heard 6:45 and from the moment I woke up panicked it all went down hill. I don’t love a busy day. I know your wondering what I consider a busy day so I’ll share:
6am-make myself presentable for my photo appointment at 1PM
7am- head to the local donut shop for donuts and spelling practice
7:45-drop off
8:00-9:30-write/work at the local Starbucks
9:30-10:30-Thanksgiving Day Assembly
10-1PM-tackle the piles of laundry and dishes that are overtaking my house
1PM-2:30-attend my appointment to renew my military ID card before it expires
2:30-head back to the school and pick up C in time.
WELL waking up late was not scheduled into my plans. I left the house looking like a HOT mess. We ate donuts in the car while yelling out spelling words. I forgot my computer for my scheduled work time…so I just sat in Starbucks. LOL I did ZERO laundry. My appointment to get my ID card was cancelled by the organization. (My ID may expire but I’ll think about that on another day) NOTHING went as planned but life still happened. In the middle of my chaos, the world kept spinning and I kept moving forward.
Sitting in that Thanksgiving Day Assembly was JUST what I needed. A time of “forced” silence to sit and focus on all we have and all that I am thankful for. Today and EVERYday I’m especially thankful for being my own boss and having the ability to come and go to C’s functions without approval from anyone. While I do try and keep myself scheduled, not being required to take leave or report to a boss is the biggest blessing, especially in the middle of all the chaos of life.
Also try and seek out the silver lining in EVERY situation. #silverlining I know it isn’t easy. When I’m in the middle of the storm I still struggle. I’m so thankful for my son, I’m thankful we are on the other side of his struggles and I’m so thankful to be able to share his story with you! Conversations with Colton proves that all the fear, faith and doubt in life will be 100 % worth it!
Keep pushing Friends, but remember it’s ok to SIT STILL sometimes. While you are sitting still- check out the cutest Pilgrim EVER!
Happy Thanksgiving Friends! I hope you are enjoying it with someone you love!