There Is So Much GOOD To Be Thankful For!

First of ALL: HAPPY THANKSGIVING! šŸ¦ƒ šŸ šŸ½ 

I really began thinking about all we have to be thankful for on Friday of last week!  I know-while the timing may be appropriate, I really need to be more intentional with gratitude every day of year.

Letā€™s have a REAL TALK session-shall we?

We had a rough start to the morning! I overslept!

Fun FACT: Colton sets his alarm clock   for 6 am-EVERY SCHOOL DAY.  He gets up, eats his breakfast, brushes his teeth and dresses himself before Iā€™m even out of bed.  #imspoiled #hegetsthatfromhisdad #thankyoumilitary

Anywho-I asked Chris to wake me up at 6 am because it was going to be a BUSY day! He heard 6:45 and from the moment I woke up panicked it all went down hill.   I donā€™t love a busy day.  I know your wondering what I consider a busy day so Iā€™ll share:

6am-make myself presentable for my photo appointment at 1PM
7am- head to the local donut shop for donuts and spelling practice
7:45-drop off
8:00-9:30-write/work at the local Starbucks
9:30-10:30-Thanksgiving Day Assembly  
10-1PM-tackle the piles of laundry and dishes that are overtaking my house  
1PM-2:30-attend my appointment to renew my military ID card before it expires
2:30-head back to the school and pick up C in time.

WELL waking up late was not scheduled into my plans.  I left the house looking like a HOT mess.  We ate donuts in the car while yelling out spelling words.  I forgot my computer for my scheduled work timeā€¦so I just sat in Starbucks. LOL I did ZERO laundry. My appointment to get my ID card was cancelled by the organization. (My ID may expire but Iā€™ll think about that on another day) NOTHING went as planned but life still happened.  In the middle of my chaos, the world kept spinning and I kept moving forward.  

Sitting in that Thanksgiving Day Assembly was JUST what I needed.  A time of ā€œforcedā€ silence to sit and focus on all we have and all that I am thankful for.  Today and EVERYday Iā€™m especially thankful for being my own boss and having the ability to come and go to Cā€™s functions without approval from anyone.  While I do try and keep myself scheduled, not being required to take leave or report to a boss is the biggest blessing, especially in the middle of all the chaos of life. 

Also try and seek out the silver lining in EVERY situation.  #silverlining I know it isnā€™t easy.  When Iā€™m in the middle of the storm I still struggle.  Iā€™m so thankful for my son, Iā€™m thankful we are on the other side of his struggles and Iā€™m so thankful to be able to share his story with you!  Conversations with Colton proves that all the fear, faith and doubt in life will be 100 % worth it! 

Keep pushing Friends, but remember itā€™s ok to SIT STILL sometimes.  While you are sitting still- check out the cutest Pilgrim EVER! 

Happy Thanksgiving Friends! I hope you are enjoying it with someone you love! 

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