Share A Family Tradition

I am 100 percent Italian. Growing up in a close knit Italian family is something I wouldn’t trade for the world. Italian culture is known for its rich and diverse traditions, and family is at the center of many of them. Family is highly valued in Italian culture, and several traditions revolve around spending time with loved ones and celebrating together.

Italian Sunday Tradition

One of the most well-known Italian family traditions is the Sunday meal. It is common for Italian families to gather together every Sunday for a large, multi-course meal that can last for several hours. This family tradition is seen as a time for families to catch up on the events of the week, share stories and jokes, and strengthen family bonds. Eating Sunday dinner at my grandmothers was always the highlight of my week.

Annual Family Vacation

Another popular family tradition is the annual vacation. Many Italian families take a week or two during the summer to go on vacation together, often to a beach or countryside location. This is seen as a time to relax and enjoy each other’s company, away from the stresses of everyday life. Our family travels to the outer banks in North Carolina together every year.

Holiday Celebrations

In addition to these family traditions, Italians also celebrate several holidays together, including Christmas, Easter, and Carnevale. These holidays are often celebrated with traditional meals, decorations, and activities that have been passed down through generations.

Homemade Gnocchi-Making Tradition

Gnocchi (Italian Pasta)

One of my favorite family traditions is gathering together a couple weeks before Christmas to make homemade Gnocchi (Italian pasta). Not only do we spend hours together making the pasta but then we freeze it and cook it together to eat on Christmas Day. My grandmother started this family tradition and it’s one I hope we continue for years to come. Here are some photos from pasta making days in the past.

Italian family traditions are more than customs; they are the threads that weave through the fabric of the country’s culture, emphasizing the value placed on family bonds and togetherness.

Family Gnocchi Night

What is a family tradition you have or that you started?

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