I’m often asked what my 5 favorite books are, and these are the first 5 that ALWAYS pop into my mind.
I would like to tell you a bit more about why one of the books has a special place in my heart.
1- The Bible-I feel like this one speaks for itself! It is a life-changing book!
2- The 5 People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom-This book touched my heart. It shows just how many “threads” are used to weave our life. It really left me wondering how heaven would be for me!
3- The Secret of The Old Clock by Nancy Drew-This is the book that helped create a lifelong love of reading for me! I still believe it influenced my career decisions.
4- Get Over Your Damn Self: The No-BS Blueprint to Building a Life-Changing Business byRomi Neustdat-This is the first business book I ever read and listened to on audiobook! It inspired me to dig more into business related books.
5-Heaven is For Real-Todd Burpo
Let’s chat more about Heaven Is For Real. I read the book shortly after it was written and saw the movie when it came out. In my opinion, the film was just as inspiring as the book! One of the reasons I love this book so much is that I found my son’s name in Heaven Is for Real. I fell in love with the name Colton and Colton Burpo’s story.
Colton Burpo emerged from life-saving surgery with remarkable stories of his visit to heaven. This book and movie changed how I viewed eternity and solidified to ME that heaven is real! When my husband and I walked out of a movie theater in 2014 after seeing Heaven Is for Real, I asked Chris what he thought about the name Colton. He asked why, and I said, “Because I really like the name. And if we ever have a son, I think we should name him Colton.” Chris said, “Sure”, he’s very laid back in that way.
A few months later when we found out a baby boy was on the way we tossed around a few different names, but when I was twenty-three weeks along, we were forced to decide. We were told the baby was coming, and we were told he didn’t weigh enough to survive. At that moment, I didn’t want my baby to enter this world without a name. He needed a name. A name was one of the few things I was able to control. I made friends and family call him by name, and I even made all the doctors write his name down so they could refer to him accordingly when talking about his outcome.
Read more about our son, Colton’s journey coming into the world here.
There is more to it! In the movie, Heaven Is for Real, Colton met Jesus, and Colton was a miracle. I knew my Colton would either be born into the arms of Jesus or be born a miracle. And at the time, it just made sense.
Colton David-a day hasn’t gone by where I’ve regretted giving you that name! You are a miracle.
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