Mom Brag About A Very Coachable Little Boy!

Mama Brag Alert! 🚨 

This little boy has ZERO natural athletic ability 😂 (one day I’ll tell ya’ll how soccer and baseball went).  

But he LOVES this sport and  Chris and I can’t figure out WHY. 😂

When he’s not practicing, he’s reading about it.  📚 

When he’s not reading about it, he’s watching it. 📺 

When he’s not watching it, he’s talking about it. 📣 

When he’s not talking about, he’s drawing the players. ✍️ 

It’s an obsession unlike anything I’ve EVER seen. 


All that to say…here goes my brag-HE IS COACHABLE.  What an amazing character trait, not just in 8U hockey but in business and in life.  I pray that never changes.  

And….. tonight he scored 3 goals, had numerous assists, lots of things called breaking away…IDK and he didn’t push anyone unprovoked.  I’m taking this as a win! In life wins are few and far between so take what you can get!!! Always look for those little wins along the journey! 

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