everal weeks ago, I side swiped a cement wall on the shoulder of the highway on my way to pick Colton up from school. A bird was headed towards my windshield, and it startled me, and I jerked the wheel hitting a cement barrier in the shoulder of a highway construction zone.
Thankfully, no one was injured, and Colton wasn’t in the car yet with me. No other cars were involved or on the highway at the time. Since there was no shoulder, I couldn’t pull over and decided just to drive the car home. I could not believe that there was NO visible body damage to my car. I crashed into a cement wall. I couldn’t believe it, Chris couldn’t believe it, the dealership couldn’t believe it, the tow truck driver couldn’t believe it. The only damage was to my tires. On the passenger side: the front and rear tires had bubbles in them making the car unsafe to drive, but the rims appeared to be fine, just dirty.
Because of this I was without a car for several days while my car was in the shop. Most days it was fine because Chris would bring Colton to school and pick him up but on this particular Wednesday that wasn’t possible. Colton had a ½ day and a skating session so I drove Chris to work, picked Colton up from school, brought Chris lunch since he couldn’t leave, went skating and then hit up Target before picking Chris up from work.
Conversations with Colton are my favorite.
Here is one of my favorite conversations! Read more conversations here!

Before I begin, I have a question for you? Are you really a hockey player if you don’t use your own money to buy a T-ball glove to block pucks? Yep, I don’t understand it either! Yet here we are!
While waiting in the checkout line:
Colton- Mom can I bring my new glove to show Daddy when we visit him.
Me-Yes! We aren’t visiting him, we are picking him up.
Colton-What time will he be released from jail?
Me-He’s at work we are picking him up at work.
Random Lady behind me-My husband is an attorney he does a lot of pro bono work. Would you like his card?
Me-No, my husband is working, he’s not in jail.
Cashier-Honey one time I went to pick someone up from jail and they never walked out.
Colton-This morning my Daddy said he was going to be locked up all day. Will he ever come out?
Me-C, he was locked in his office all day, he’s not in jail.
Lady Behind me hands me her husband’s business card…and I took it, because that was much easier than continuing this conversation.
If anyone reading this came across my child and heard that my husband was in jail…it was just a not so simple misunderstanding. And my car is out of the shop, so we won’t be picking Chris up from anywhere EVER again.
What’s the craziest thing your child has ever said? Tell me in the DMs on my IG!