How to Make a Trip to Target Educational

Did you know a trip to Target can be educational?

It’s a great place to practice letters and numbers!

In early 2021, Colton started an obsession with letters and numbers. I was super excited because, up until this point, he didn’t care about learning. He just wasn’t interested in it, and that made it very hard to know what he knew! 

During his letter/number obsession, we would go to Target and walk aisle by aisle, practicing sounding out all the signs and checking out the price tags so he could let me know how much things cost. It would take a while, but you know I don’t mind going to Target.

One day, while checking out, my child told the cashier, Jill, “I have some advice for you. I’m very suspicious of the lowercase j, and you should be too.”

God bless Jill; she asked why.    

So Colton replied with, “There is this little dot over the lowercase j, and I’m pretty sure the j stole that dot from the lowercase i. I’d watch the j because who knows what parts of another letter she will try to steal next.”

Jill looked at me. I looked at her. And I said, “Colton, this sweet lady is named Jill, and Mommy is named Julie. And both of our names start with J. So the letter is perfectly fine!” It’s not what was said. It’s the crazy, fascinating, skeptical, inquiring thought process that gets me every single time!

“We all know you’re shady, Mommy, but I guess the jury is still out on Ms. Jill.”

It’s not what was said; it’s the crazy, fascinating, skeptical, inquiring, thought process that gets me every single time!

So I thought:

What if the cashier wasn’t wearing a name tag? What if we never knew her name was Jill? What if we got in a different line? Would that conversation ever have happened?

Life is all about timing, and I guess names are important too! All the fear, faith, and doubt that got us to these Target moments were 100 percent worth it! 

Colton sitting in a Target Shopping Cart.

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