Future goals as an author

Before I share with you my long-term goals as a writer, I have to tell you about the “author’s tea” at my son’s school.  For several months the first graders wrote and illustrated a book and then read their books to an audience of parents and peers. The “Authors Tea” was so fun! Of course, Colton wrote about hockey.

The title of his book was called “The Hockey Game” and was dedicated to Daddy because he plays hockey with him.  All of the 1st graders did amazing, and I give them much credit because it’s hard to stand up and speak in front of peers and adults!

We had many fun conversations about his book as he was writing because it was perfect timing as I was also walking through the publishing process. When Colton was trying to figure out what to write about, he asked me what I thought. 

I told him I wrote about him (Conversations with Colton) because it was something that I loved. 

My point was: write about something you love! His response: I love you mama, but I won’t be writing about you. The honesty of children is something I will never get bored with.

While brainstorming titles he was thinking about calling his book the “Miracle on Ice.”  But there is already a book by that name, and he was so worried that his teacher would catch that, and he would be in trouble for plagiarism so he suggested I write a book about him and call it the “Miracle on Ice” because I wouldn’t get in trouble.  How funny is that- He would get in trouble, but I wouldn’t.  I love that mentality so much!

I asked-what would the miracle on ice be about-his response “it would be about me mom and how it’s a miracle that I learned to skate on ice and play hockey.”  And that friend is an answer I wasn’t expecting, because my long-term career goal is to write a series of children’s books about a persistent boy who eventually plays hockey. Now I haven’t thought it all out yet, but sports books about children playing hockey are lacking and I want to change that!  

This book would encourage children to try new things and be brave in hard situations!

I would love to write a children’s book with and about my son! That is my long-term career goal.  

Colton is now a published author! And while I’m writing this, he beat his mama to it but I’m 100 percent OK with that!

In fact-he’s mentioned to me several times that he was able to write and illustrate his book and all I had to do was write my book. He can’t figure out while it’s taking so long! Again, the honesty of children is so delightful! 

Follow along with my book writing journeys here.

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