Encouraging Children To Try Hard Things

Hard means different things to different people…. what’s hard for my child and what’s hard for your child are probably not the same thing. BUT it doesn’t matter, getting our kiddos to reach outside of their comfort zone and try something new can be so scary for them and for us. When my son decided he wanted to play ice hockey, I had to support his dream. Was I scared for him – YES! Was I scared for myself – ALSO yes! I visualized ER visits in preparation for the least athletic child to learn to ice skate.

After 2 years of skating and one year of playing hockey, my son turned to me and said – “Thank you mom for encouraging me to try hard things.” My son’s comment melted my heart. Although I must admit that I don’t recall ever telling him that hockey was hard and he needed to try it. Rather, my encouragement to pursue his dream allowed him to figure out that lesson on his own. They really ARE paying attention. Teaching children to try hard things is an essential part of their growth and development. It’s important to remember that children learn by example, so as a parent or teacher, it’s crucial to model a positive attitude around challenging tasks.

Here are my top tips to encourage YOU to encourage YOUR children to try hard things.

Top Tips for Encouraging Children to Tackle Challenges

Focus on Effort

Instead of solely praising the outcome of getting a good grade or winning a game, make an effort to acknowledge the effort and strategies your child applies. Reinforce the idea that success is a result of hard work and persistence. This helps them understand that success is not just about natural ability, but also about hard work and persistence.

Model a Growth Mindset

Demonstrate a growth mindset by embracing challenges, learning from mistakes, and viewing failures as opportunities for growth. By modeling a growth mindset, you can show your child that it’s okay to try new things and that mistakes are a natural part of the learning process.This sets the stage for your child to approach new experiences with a positive mindset.

Break Down Tasks

Help your child break down challenging tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. This helps them feel less overwhelmed and  also empowers them to take control of their learning journey. It’s also important to provide support and guidance along the way, while allowing space for independent problem-solving.

Create a Supportive Environment

Finally, make sure to provide a supportive environment for your child to try hard things. Provide a nurturing environment where guidance and encouragement coexist with the freedom to take risks and make mistakes. When challenges arise, be there to offer support and help them problem-solve.


Encouraging your child to try hard things may not always be easy, but it’s an important part of helping them grow into confident and resilient adults. By emphasizing effort, modeling a growth mindset, breaking down tasks, and fostering a supportive environment, parents can equip their children with the skills needed to face challenges with confidence. What additional strategies would you add to this list? Share your thoughts below

Colton with his hockey Gear holding a hockey stick

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