I’m often asked what else he enjoys. Generally, I have no answer to that because it’s true he loves all things hockey! So instead of looking ignorant, I always say “oh he enjoys school.” But for the purpose of this blog, I figured I’d actually ask him.
Our conversation went a bit like this:
Me- Colton, what is your favorite thing to do besides playing hockey?
Colton-Collecting hockey cards.
Me-Well, besides hockey?
Colton-Watching hockey games.
Me-NO, besides anything hockey related!
Me-Oh, what do you enjoy drawing?
Colton-Hockey players.
ME-NO, besides hockey.
Me-Let me guess: reading hockey books?
Me-Besides reading hockey books.
Colton-Practicing skating skills.
Me-NO, besides hockey…
You get the picture and then I thought about it.
Why do I feel the need to ensure he is interested in something more than hockey?
Am I trying to protect him? Am I worried his goal of playing in the NHL isn’t real enough at the age of seven to actually come true? Honestly, I’m guessing 1% of all the little boys in the USA and Canada who want to play in the NHL actually get there. Do I think my little boy has a chance? I have NO clue. I do know he works hard and I 100% believe hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard. But honestly if he loves hockey and loves doing all things hockey-I’m fine with it! It doesn’t hurt me. He gets good grades in school. His world revolves around family, Jesus and hockey and I’m ok with that.
Some may see this as an obsession BUT I see this as a hobby from a perfectly well-rounded little boy who loves reading, drawing, playing sports, skating, who has collections. Why shouldn’t he be obsessed with something he loves? Yes, he is reading about hockey-BUT HE’S READING. He spends time drawing hockey players-I love seeing his creative side take shape because he is drawing something he loves! I love that he plays and practices such a hard sport and that ice. He is growing in more ways than I will probably ever know! He enjoys watching hockey games and I love that so much because there is so much nonsense, he could be watching on TV these days! I love that I can let him experience so much LIFE through something that he genuinely enjoys!
I encourage you to do the same for your kids! Let them become obsessed with something because the truth is that one “obsession” can be the catalyst to SOOO many different things! And chances are the obsession will be short lived! But maybe it won’t and that’s ok too!
I thought our hockey obsession would be short lived but here we are 2 years later still helping him live out his passion,
so I guess you just NEVER know!
What is something your kids are interested in right now? Tell me on my IG DMs!