After Your Book Release: What’s Your Next Plan?

Becoming a published author has been an AMAZING adventure.

However, one aspect I didn’t anticipate when writing ‘Conversations With Colton’ was the intricate process of marketing a book.

WOW, marketing a book is HARD, especially with the ever-increasing competition in the publishing industry. Navigating the challenges of book promotion in today’s highly competitive publishing industry involves a mix of word-of-mouth efforts, reaching out to reviewers, participating in podcast interviews, and seeking local media coverage – it’s a LOT!

Currently, my primary focus is marketing, which requires time and dedication. Don’t get me wrong: marketing is also amazing and it’s causing me to learn and break out of my comfort zone so it’s totally a win/win. 

I was recently interviewed by Cory Graham at the  Reader House Author Round Table and he asked if I have any more books in the works.

My response? A resounding YES and NO. Two ideas are brewing in my mind, but nothing in writing….YET!

Firstly, I’ve envisioned crafting a children’s book, inspired by the noticeable absence of picture books centered around young boys who love playing hockey. I know a little boy who LOVES to play hockey! I bet he would love to consult on this project. Maybe it’s a sign.

I’ve also toyed with writing what I set out to write initially. ‘Conversations with Colton,’ was intended as a lighthearted, comedic account for a coffee table of a miracle boy who has the craziest conversations. The journey, however, took an unexpected turn, weaving our conversations into a narrative that explores the essence of faith during life’s storms. Colton survived against medical odds and conversations with him have made all the fear, faith, and doubt that got us to this moment 100 percent worth it.

So, my answer of YES and NO was pretty spot on.

Now, I’d love to hear from you – which project would you prefer to see me tackle first?

And speaking of podcasts, you can listen to my interview with Cory Graham at the

Reader House Author Round Table here: Podcast Link

Thought Provoking Book Conversations With Colton

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