Colton loves being active and loves spending time with his mama! He is a Mama’s boy for sure! We love to get out and about around town, but we had a few days this summer when the storms were just bad and the thought of leaving the house was overwhelming, so I’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite rainy-day activities!
- READ– Okay, so you probably guessed this would be #1 on my list but here are some tips. Keep a few “new” books stashed away, bring them out when you are in a bind. Kids love new books, sticker books, painting books, activity books. They truly are a lifesaver. Here is a link to our favorite activity books!
- Make A Pillow Fort– We all have a little “architect” left inside us from when we were growing up! I know you loved building a pillow fort and your kids will too! This is a fun video to watch on building a pillow fort! There’s also a little science built in! You can thank me later!
- Bake– I know it’s messy but hear me out. It’s also fun and the treats are yummy. My son is not a big baker, but when I get him in the kitchen, we have fun and are always rewarded for our hard work with a snack! Here is a link to our favorite easy (3 ingredients easy) Sugar Cookie Recipe.
- Board Games & Card Games– If you are like me and playing Candy Land one more time gives you anxiety then UNO is a good one! There are so many different levels and options of UNO available and for all age ranges. UNO junior with animals is so fun and kiddos can start playing when they are just 3 years old! Check it out here! (Affiliate link)
- Head outside– Let your kiddos play in the rain! Of course, make sure it’s just rain, no lighting or thunder…just rain! Let them splash in the puddles, dance in the rain! These are the times they will remember!
- Movie Marathon– If your kids will sit still and watch TV…then sometimes it’s completely okay to veg out and watch movies all day! Make a bowl of popcorn and let each kid pick out their favorite movie. Plus, you’ll get some quality cuddle time with your little ones.
- Scavenger Hunt– Make a list of things your kids are sure to find around the house and send them hunting until they find all the items. Bonus points to whoever can find the shoe you’ve been missing for months.
- Paper Planes– Paper Planes are so fun in general, am I right? Take a sheet of paper, color it, fold your paper planes, and have a contest to see who can throw it the farthest! This paper plane making video is excellent and easy to understand!
- Clean– This will be fun for you too! Remember, start slowly, show them how to pick clothes off the floor and toss them into a hamper before moving on to other tasks, such as replacing books onto the bookshelf. Always set a good example! Remember, when doing arts and crafts, don’t let the supplies linger around put them away when you are finished.
- Arts & Crafts– Speaking of arts and crafts…it’s a great rainy-day activity! And who doesn’t love play dough? Here is an EASY recipe you may like! I love the Living Well Mom! Her activities are the best and this link will take you right to her play dough recipe! It’s quick and easy!
Be sure to follow my Facebook group where I share all sorts of fun activities and Paperpie books! Don’t forget to mention to me what some rainy-day activities your family enjoys!?