The Years Go By SO Fast But His Personality Is the Same!

Photo of little boy upset in a classroom

Three years ago to the day we were dealing with tears when my child learned that soccer shots gave EVERYONE a participation medal!

That should have been a clue about what was to come.  😂

The boy LOVES to win, he is without a doubt the hardest worker I know.  Things (especially sports) do NOT come easy for him but he works so hard. 💪

From the moment he was born we knew he was going to be a fighter.  Prior to his birth, doctors had many concerns, and there was a time when we didn’t know if he would be born alive.  We are so thankful for our outcome. We appreciate every second we have with him. Even the moments when I think his he strong will may kill me. 😂

Conversations with Colton have definitely evolved over the years.  Our chats have always been a blast but the older he gets the wiser and funnier he becomes.  

These days we are dealing with a bit of aggressive behavior on the ice around getting the puck at all costs.

It’s shocking to us because he is STILL a tiny little peanut. 💙 But OH that personality hasn’t changed at ALL!!! So really his behavior should be NO surprise! Right? 

Last Monday Night between hockey games the rink offered a voluntary chapel.  Colton happily went and volunteered to pray at the end.  🙏  It went a little something like this:

“Dear Lord-please help us to stay safe on the ice tonight.  Thank you for letting us play this fun sport. 🏒   Thank you for not letting me accidentally trip anyone with my stick during the first game. 😂  Help  us not to push our friends during game 2, unless of course they push us first and we retaliate in self defense, because I have to believe you would be ok with that.  Go Team and Amen.”

Parenting is HARD WORK!  Pray for me friends!!!

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