Will The Real Slim Shady Please Stand Up…

By now you know that Conversations with Colton are my favorite thing EVER! But our conversations while I’m dressing him in his hockey gear are proving to be fantastic.  My husband recently had hand surgery and while he has attended every practice he has NOT been able to help with the gear.  It takes me a good 20 minutes to get my son all padded up so that he can step on the ice.  It’s exhausting and in this last week we have been at the rink 5 of the last 7 days!!!  #mamaneedsanap

I’d love to share a conversations with YOU!  I call this one:

πŸ’™πŸ’š “I’m Shady” πŸ’šπŸ’™

C-Mom I’m so glad you went to college. 🏫
C-Because they taught you how to tie my pants just right. πŸ’
Me-Oh I didn’t learn this in college. 🏫
C-Oh what did you study in college? ✍️
Me-Journalism and Criminal Justice.
C-OH that makes complete sense…Journalism & Criminal justice…that must be why your last name is Shady. πŸ˜‚
Me-yep that’s why….πŸ˜‚

πŸ‘ŒπŸ»In his defense friends-you would think a college degree is necessary to dress a hockey player. 

#conversationswithcolton #journalism #plus #criminaljustice #equals #shady

Two days after this conversation while at skating practice we had our first little scare where he needed to be monitored for a concussion.

Wednesdays are usually for: Half Days, Happy Meals, Hockey, and Hot Chocolate (at 🎯  of course!) 

On this particular Wednesday our Target stroll consisted of keeping us occupied while mommy was monitoring for signs of a concussion. πŸ˜’

After C’s fall-they were asking him questions to ensure he was coherent and one of the questions they asked: “What’s The Name of Your Hockey Team:”

My child-I play for the Saskatchewan Sea Dogs out of Ottawa….


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