This Child Has Never Met A Stranger! Gosh I LOVE him!

This quote by Casey Huff speaks to me! She said:

“More than I desire to raise the smart kid, or the successful kid, or the athletic kid-I dream of raising the kind kid. One who will look around and see the needs of others. One who will meet everyone with an open heart and open mind and help them feel valued and loved just as they are.”

Colton-Mom today at skating I asked a girl in class if she wanted to be my friend and she said no. 

Me-How did that make you feel?

Colton-Not too bad i had the last word!

Me-What did you say?

Colton-I told her that she was rude and based on her behavior it was clear she didn’t have many friends.  

Me-Colton David!!! Two wrongs don’t make a right!

Colton-An eye for an eye

Me-what would Jesus do?

Colton-Treat others the way you want to be treated!

While he’s not wrong…I said:

I love that you tried to make a new friend don’t stop doing that! But she said NO and that’s OK too! You don’t always have to have the last word!

 We are 1/2 way towards that quote but we have a long way to go!  

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