Learn To Skate-And to My Surprise He Actually Did!

I never imagined I would be waking up at 6 am on a SATURDAY morning to sit in a cold ice rink and watch this kid learn how to play hockey. But I wouldn’t want it any other way. Let me rewind for a sec and fill you in.

About 11 months ago we made a deal: if you learn how to skate, I will let you play ice hockey. Why Ice Hockey? I have zero clue.  He hates failing. He’s not the most athletic child.  He had never been skating. He had never been on Ice. I figured we could go, it would be hard, he would hate it and we would move on to another less dangerous sport. I had no idea he would work so hard for something so hard for nearly a year!

He called my bluff. I’m so glad that he did and I’m able to witness the level of determination this kiddo has.

About 2 months after he started skating, Colton asked me if I realized that when he signs a hockey contract with the Edmonton Oilers he will have to move away. 

Things I almost said: 

1️-Who are the Edmonton Oilers?

 2️-You haven’t learned to play hockey yet.

Instead, I said Colton as long as you are happy and doing what you love mommy will support you. (Side Note: I have since googled the Edmonton Oilers and have determined that Canada is too far! Lol!)

Ice skating is hard! 

His goal of playing hockey is so much bigger than the hard!

I can’t believe the drive he has starting at just 6 years old. Learning how to stand, learning how to fall, learning how to stand after falling, falling over and over again, getting up slower each time because his body hurts, learning how to march, glide, skate on 1 foot, push to gain speed-I mean this is not easy, but this child is continuing to fight for his goal! He now graduated from his “Learn to Skate Program” and moved on to “Learn to Play.” Find a local program for your child here.

I’m so proud of him for demonstrating at such a young age that you can truly do anything you put your mind too. I guess he was listening to me preach that concept over the years.  Will he ever play for the Edmonton Oilers… who knows but sometimes as adults we need to be reminded that we can do hard things!  Hard things don’t come without HARD work and faith that you can do it!!!

I can’t help but flash back to the days when he was fighting for life in utero.  

All of the fear, faith and doubt that got us to this moment was 100% worth it!

Read more about Colton’s hockey journey here.

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